Outline application (all matters reserved) for the erection of one detached open market dwelling
Variation of Condition No.2 (approved plans) attached to permission 17/01325/FUL dated 19/05/2017
Internal alterations including removing part of the floor to block the cellar access stairs; installation of balustrading to protect the widened opening; commissioning and servicing the existing alarm & detection system; provision of a partition to the existing bedroom and installation of a bathroom suite and mechanical ventilation; reversing swing of exterior door to improve…
Erection of a rear single storey extension and front porch to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 4.0 metres beyond rear wall, 3.3 metres maximum height, 2.3 metres high to eaves
Change Of Use of the existing first floor from B1 (Business) Use Class to D1 Use Class (Clinic)
Conversion of single dwelling to create 2no dwellings with associated internal alterations only affecting a garage II listed building.
Conversion of single dwelling to create 2no dwellings with associated internal alterations only. Minor internal modifications to enhance the living environment.
Erection of a single storey extension to rear of property with associated spiral staircase
Erection of a single storey extension to rear and first floor extension to side