Internal and external alterations to include construction of new light well at front of property, replacement of window and door at rear elevation with patio doors, removal of part of middle wall in lower ground floor and associated internal works.
Erection of a rear single storey garden room to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 3.5 metres beyond rear wall, 3.2 metres maximum height, 2.1 metres high to eaves
Internal and external alterations to include construction of new light well at front of property, replacement window and door at rear elevation with patio doors, removal of part of middle wall in lower ground floor and associated internal works affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of a single storey rear extension following removal of existing outbuilding
Fell 3no Lawson Cypress to ground level within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Conversion of existing integral garage to form studio annex and installation of french doors and juliet balcony
Erection of single storey rear extension; internal works to include opening up internal walls; replacement kitchen, demolition and replacement of single storey adjoining outbuilding affecting a grade II listed buidling.
Erection of single storey rear extension; demolish and rebuild outhouse and associated internal works.
Erection of a two storey side extension to replace existing single storey extension and new canopy roof to the front