Alterations in connection with creation of new access and formation of gravel track and parking area to include removal of existing boundary wall affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of dwelling and detached garage/car port following demolition of existing building. (Modification to previously approved 17/02106/FUL)
Replacement of existing 1.8m high security fence and gates with new 2.4m high security fence & gates, colour (RAL 6005). Installation of CCTV & Security lighting to the perimeter of the building and driveway.
Erection of single storey extensions to both front and rear, new detached garage to the side after demolition of existing conservatory and garage and alterations to windows and doors
Outline application for the erection of 36No dwellings and associated infrastructure (to include access, appearance, layout and scale)(re-submission)
Variation of Condition No.s 1, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 32 and removal of Condition No. 5 attached to Planning Permission 17/02809/OUT dated 14 September 2017
Replace dorma window (top floor) with a flush fitting UPVC window . Article 4 direction.
Residential development to provide 8no retirement apartments.
Erection of first floor extensions to north east part of main building to create additional bedrooms; link corridor to additional bedrooms in roofspace with increase in height of roof and insertion of rooflights
To Crown lift to 5.5m 1no Beech tree within the Shrewsbury conservation area.
Dismantle to near ground level (0.91 – 1.2m) 1No. multi stem Sycamore tree, 7No. Damson trees, 1No. Sycamore tree and dismantle to 1.2m in height 1No. dead tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area 1x Dead tree –
Erection of two-storey side extension and a single storey rear extension