Conversion of upper floors of a commercial building to create a fourteen bedroom House of Multiple Occupation
First floor extension over garage, porch with extended bathroom above and interior reconfiguring
Detached garage to the side of the property, new permeable drive and insertion of 3 rooflights on the roof slopes of the single storey part of the property
Crown lift by 2-3m 1no Yew protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (25 The Crescent, Town Walls, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1995 (Ref: SA/292)
Reduce lateral branches by approx. 2m of 1no Lilac, fell 1no Pear, crown reduce by 1m 1no Maple & crown lift by 1m 1no Magnolia within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Removal of existing rear single storey outbuilding. Modifications, refurbishment and rear extension to existing detached dwelling. Remove existing garage and replace with proposed double garage.
Repairs to existing front boundary wall and minor works to frontage (Article 4 Direction)
Replacement of 3No. windows to existing dwelling subject to Article 4 Directive
Proposals at first floor level include: the removal of modern timber platform, replacing an existing window with a new maintenance door and steps and, a new stove and flue in the living room At second floor level the proposals are to replace existing and inserting new rooflights, inserting a cast iron railing to create a…
Erection of a new two-storey hospital building and associated wider works including landscaping