Partial reduction of crown of 1no Holly Tree at sides by 5% within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Variation of Section 106 for planning application number 13/04636/FUL to reduce the level of affordable housing contribution
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of two 4 storey blocks and 3 storey infill block for mixed use (including A1 retail use at ground floor and student accommodation and office use to rear and on upper floors) with ancillary cycle and bin storage areas, car…
Internal alterations to convert first and second floor to residential units to include the addition of Mansard roof; insertion of doors/windows/rooflights and partition walling; elevational alterations; removal of staircase; works to facilitate installation of new shop front with additional street access
Formation of two residential units on first and second floor to include the addition of Mansard roof; formation of Juliet balcony to rear and roof terrace with parapet wall to front; rooflights and sunpipe; installation of new shop front with additional street access
Erection of detached double garage to replace existing single garage.
To pollard 1No Poplar Tree protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the change of use B1, B2 and B8 to car sales, sui generis and alteration of a window opening to form a new door opening and erection of a glazed canopy over the opening
Reduce canopy by 1m of 1No Yew Tree, reduce canopy by 2m of 1No Hawthorn Tree and reduce height of 1No Holly Tree by 1m within Shrewsbury Conservation Area