To fell 1No. Beech tree protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Sutton Road) Tree Preservation Order 1973.
To Reduce by 4-5ft 2no Leylandii and trim into a ball; Crown reduce by up to 25% 1no Fraxinus; reshape by 2ft and remove major deadwood 1no Cercidiphyllim; Fell to ground level 1no Damson; Repollard 1no Elm & 2no Acers within the Shrewsbury conservation area
Erection of a single storey rear extension to provide garden room, dimensions 3 metres beyond rear wall, 3.750 metres maximum height and 2.625 metres high to eaves
Erection of two storey side extension & single storey rear extension
Conversion of first, second and third floors into three flats and reinstate a second door affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Continued Operation of Energy Recovery Facility, Variation of Conditions attached to SC/MS2009/0125/SY (to facilitate an increase in the approved tonnage limit from 95,000 to 102,000 tonnes per annum)
Erection of single storey extension to side and rear and associated alterations
Removal of section of boundary wall to create new shared access and formation of gravel track and parking area (re-submission)
Erect and display 1no internally illuminated fascia sign, 1no projecting sign and internal vinyl window signs
Change of use from A1 to A3/A5 restaurant, alteration to shopfront and installation of kitchen extract to roof