Creation of two mezzanine floors; internal re-configuration; elevational alterations; demolition of flue tower; creation of 70 additional parking spaces; alterations to internal access road; associated alterations to the hard and soft landscaping
Change of use from dwelling to a Registered Childrens Home together with associated works
Removal of brick and timber workshop to facilitate the erection of 2No. dwellings along with the restoration of existing brick vaults and associated landscape works. Section of existing garden wall to be removed to provide new vehicular and pedestrian entrance
Removal of Condition No. 8 (opaque screen) attached to permission 17/02287/LBC
Notification of tree works to include the felling of nine trees and the clearing of ivy to ground level on various trees lying within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Removal of Condition No.3 (opaque screen) attached to permission 17/02286/FUL
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the change of use for use as Funeral Directors including mortuary (mixed use)
Erection of single detached dwelling and formation of vehicular access
Alterations in connection with change of use to 1No residential dwelling
Erection of single-storey rear extension and two-storey side extension following demolition of existing garage