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Planning Applications


Conversion of 7No. bedsits and staff support accommodation into 4No. self-contained apartments

Read more about 17/04709/FUL


Erection of a replacement porch

Read more about 17/04786/FUL


Erection of single storey rear infill extension

Read more about 17/04774/FUL


Variation of condition no 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission reference 16/01959/FUL dated 18.7.2016 to restore the first floor window facing north, northwest to its original condition pre-planning application (opening light with obscure glass).

Read more about 17/04765/VAR


To fell one Ash Tree protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002

Read more about 17/04752/TPO


To crown reduce, by 35%, one Horn Beam protected by SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath North) TPO 2008

Read more about 17/04751/TPO


Installation of 2No. rapid electric vehicle charging stations and associated equipment

Read more about 17/04747/FUL


Variation of condition No.1 (temporary permission) pursuant to CC2007/0023 to allow for the retention of the demountable accommodation for a further temporary period of ten years, the date by which the building is to be removed and the land re-instated to be 30 September 2027

Read more about 17/04756/VAR


To dismantle to ground level 1No. Corsican Pine tree and 5No. Conifer trees protected by he Shrewsbury Borough Council (Hermitage Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1967

Read more about 17/04864/TPO


Erection of two storey side extension; Alterations to existing rooflights to form two dormer windows.

Read more about 17/04626/FUL


Erection of single storey side extension and first floor rear extension

Read more about 17/04200/FUL


1no Yew and 1no Red Oak – lift over highway to 4m; 2no Lime remove epicormic off trunk; 1no Lime remove epicormic from trunk and reduce branches away from building to previous pollard points; Deadwood other trees onsite as needed within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 17/04791/TCA