Erect and display 1No. illuminated fascia sign, 1No. non-illuminated fascia sign, 1No. car store totem and 1No. entrance/direction totem illuminated
Application for tree works to include: 15% end reduction of lateral branches, pruning of one Tree of Heaven; removal of deadwood, reduction in height by 2m, pruning of one Common Lime; 15% crown reduction, pruning of one Tree of Heaven; all covered by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Shelton Hospital No 3) Tree Preservation…
Lower height of 1No. Cherry Tree by 30% within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Alterations in connection with change of use of first floor into a two bedroomed residential dwelling including new rooflights and windows to rear
Replace garage door with casement window and brickwork to match existing.
Replacement of exterior door; erection of new fascia signage and hanging signage; installation of interior security shutters affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Consent to display two non-illuminated fascia signs and one externally illuminated projecting sign
Installation of replacement shopfront to Pride Hill elevation
Siting of a demountable unit for the selling of hot/cold food and beverages
Variation of Condition No. 2 (approved plans) pursuant to application 16/05024/FUL for the erection of motor vehicle service, repair and mot centre and wash bay (and to amend plans approved under 17/01751/AMP) to enable the addition of three extract flues
Change of use of ground floor from retail (A1 use) to mixed use retail and beauty salon (sui generis use)