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Planning Applications


Erection of single storey rear extension following removal of existing conservatory.

Read more about 17/04040/FUL


Application for tree works to include the felling of one Cherry tree covered by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Shorncliffe Drive, Shelton, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1987

Read more about 17/04024/TPO


Erection of 1No dwelling

Read more about 17/03869/FUL


To Fell 1no March Willow tree within the Shrewsbury conservation area.

Read more about 17/04183/TCA


To prune branch tips back from roof as per schedule within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 17/04165/TCA


To fell 1No Cherry Tree (tree 1), prune back 2No Cherry Trees (trees 2 & 3) by 25% within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 17/04140/TCA


Application for consent to display one illuminated fascia sign and two replacement pole signs.

Read more about 17/03964/ADV


Erection of timber orangery to replace existing conservatory (existing base to be utilised.

Read more about 17/03873/FUL


Change of use of the existing ground floor from Class A1 (Shops) to mixed use Class B1 (Offices) and/or Class D1 (Medical & Health/Education & Training Centre.

Read more about 17/03872/FUL


Installation of replacement signage consisting of internally illuminated fascia sign and projecting sign; window vinyls.

Read more about 17/03893/ADV


Installation of stainless steel flue liner within existing brick chimney in connection with installation of replacement boilers.

Read more about 17/03870/FUL


To fell a Leylandii Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 17/04070/TCA