Erection of a Single Storey Rear Extension to a Semi-Detached Dwelling, Dimensions 5 Metres Beyond the Rear Wall, 3.51 Metres Maximum Height and 2.25 Metres High to Eaves
Erection of single storey extension to existing commercial premises for B1, B2 and B8 uses
Erection of a ground and first floor extension to rear elevation
Erection of single twin garage with associated parking following demolition of existing garages and sheds (amended sheme)
Reduction to 1No Hornbeam and removal of lower small branches protected by SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath North) TPO 2008
External works to Listed Building to facilitate the replacement of two windows to second floor and four rooflights with remedial works to seven other windows
Variation of Condition No.2 (approved plans) pursuant to 16/02684/FUL to allow for change in design of approved dwellings
Crown reduce up to 2m height and radial spread of 1n Copper Beech; crown lift to 5m above ground level, reduce radial spread on northeast side over neighbouring land (no.5) by 2m of 1no Common Lime; fell and remove stumps of group of 1 x holly, 1 x hawthorn, 1 x sycamore, 1 x elm…
Erect and display 1no freestanding sign and 1no sign above new gates at access points.