To repollard lower branches of one Ash tree to approximately 4m from ground level and fell to ground level one Ash and one Field Maple within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Works to Lilac Tree to thin crown, lift crown by 20-25% and remove large low branch within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Internal works including the removal of stud partition walling at ground floor level and insertion of staircase to basement level; insertion of staff facilities at basement level; insertion of replacement cover to light-well
Conversion of loft space to provide additional bedroom and ensuite; installation of 3 no. rooflights
Fell 1no Horse Chestnut and 1no Yellow Buckeye within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Variation of Condition No. 2 attached to planning permission 14/01324/FUL dated 2nd July 2014 Erection of link extension from existing house to garage; raised garage roof and conversion; internal alterations
Works to 1No Silver Birch Tree (T1) selective reduction of longer branches and reduction of up to 3m (on the longest branches); fell 1No Wild Cherry Tree (T2) and 1No Walnut Tree (T3) a 50% crown reduction (reducing height and spread)within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Installation of lead dormer window; 2no rooflights and associated internal alterations to allow conversion of roof space to living accomodation.
Internal alterations in connection with installation of new wireless access points affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of two storey extension following demolition of the existing single storey garage and utility room, extensions to existing dormer windows, extension of the current dropped kerb to allow extension to the existing driveway and associated works
Erection of part two storey and single storey rear extension