Pollard to 8m 1no Lime protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Kingsland No 3) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (Ref: SA/50)
Crown reduction to height 8-10m & spread 4-6m and work to tidy up uneven growth caused by surrounding trees of 1no Copper Beech (T1) & 1no Beech (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To remove vertical ‘whips’ and dead wood from 1no. Apple tree within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Crown reduction/cut back to knuckles as pollard (see schedule) of 1no. Lime (T1) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Shelton Road) Tree Preservation Order 1971 (Ref. SA/59)
Alterations and extensions including single storey rear, first floor rear, front porch and rendering external wall
To fell 10no. trees (see schedule) protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Kingsland No 2) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (SA/34)
Crown reduce by approx. 2m & thin canopy, shape and balance 1no Cedar protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (Ref: SA/354)
To reduce long limb by 20 percent (max. 2 metres) to 2014 pruning points from 1no. Common Lime (T2), and to deadwood 3 Limes (T1-T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Creation of an Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) with perimeter fencing, adjacent hardstanding area, directional sports lighting, access footpaths including low level bollard lighting, timber maintenance store and landscaped topsoil bund