To top by 50% and crown reduce by 1 metre 1No Holly tree and trim back 1No Walnut tree within Belle Vue Conservation area
Installation of internal digital flank with integrated LCD screen (The existing fascia sign and projecting sign are to be retained)
Erection of 24 industrial units (6 blocks) to include use classes to include B1, B2, B8 along with vehicle maintenance workshops
Erection of singe storey extension with pitched roof following removal of conservatory
Erect and Display 2no internally illuminated high totem signs; 2no fascia signs; 6no 48 sheet wall mounted billboards; 1no 48 sheet free standing billboard; 1no poster display unit and 1no finger post sign
Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to permission 14/02804/OUT for demolition of a dwelling, new vehicular access and development of 2 new detached dwellings with detached double garages
Erection of a single storey rear extension to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 3.30 metres beyond rear wall, 3.20 metres maximum height, 2.60 metres high to eaves
Hybrid planning application for a residential development of up to 600 dwellings, access, footpath/cycleways, public open space, landscaping and associated drainage and development infrastructure: comprising FULL application for 365 dwellings, access from Preston Street, access from London Road and spine road, footpaths/cycleways, public open space, landscaping, demolition of existing buildings and associated infrastructure; and OUTLINE…
Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for change of use of land to residential curtilage (retrospective)