Erection of part single part two storey side and rear extensions
Internal and External Alterations to include creation of steps from garden to ground floor; removal of wall between proposed kitchen and dining area; creation of back door; creation of external steps; alterations to service staircase and erection of detached garage
Internal and External Alterations to include creation of steps from garden to ground floor; removal of wall between proposed kitchen and dining area; creation of back door; creation of external steps; alterations to service staircase and erection of detached garage
To fell one Poplar tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To fell 1 Lime Tree protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Ley Grange) Tree Preservation Order 1971
To fell 1No. Pine tree protected by SABC (Land at and surrounding Bowbrook) TPO 2008
Retention of two existing hoardings and external metal fence sheeting across the front to improve visual appearance of site while promoting the scheme
Replacement of existing swimming pool enclosure with enlarged permanent structure and provision of enlarged plant room
To fell 1 No Conifer tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Alterations to facilitate the conversion to six residential apartments to include insertion, and removal, of partition walling, doors and ceiling beams; insertion of domestic facilities and extraction fans; insertion of new and replacement windows and doors