Works to trees as per schedule within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of replacement building (Unit 5) with B1, B2 and B8 use following demolition of existing and erection of flammable store (to rear of unit 3)
Internal and external alterations in connection with reinstatement of property into 2 residential dwellings to include the installation of a new stairway between ground floor and lower ground floor affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Works in connection with reinstating property into 2 residential dwellings to include installation of new staircase between ground floor and lower ground floor
Elevational alterations to rear and side elevations to include the installation of replacement doors and windows
Erection of a single storey rear extension and porch to front elevation
Variation of Condition 3 (use restriction) attached to planning permission 15/00567/COU dated 08/04/2015 for the change of use from B8 distribution to D2 leisure gym with ancillary uses
Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing outbuilding (revised scheme)
Erection of a two storey extension side extension, a single storey rear extension and front porch