Works to 1 no.Copper beech: Thin the branches and reduce the overall spread of the tree to its size of about 5 years ago within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To fell one Norway Maple within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Works to existing telecommunications base station to include the reconfiguration of equipment cabinets located internally to include the replacement of 1 no. cabinet; the relocation of 1 no. cabinet; the installation of 1 no. new cabinet; and the installation of extract fan vented into roof together with ancillary development thereto affecting a Grade II Listed…
Proposed internal and external alterations to existing care facility to include replacement windows and doors; new entrance canopy, en-suites to all rooms, additional independent living flat, new mobility scooter store and new refuse store and additional parking spaces
Application under the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015 for the storage of hazardous substances for chemical warehousing and distribution (consolidation of existing consents)
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed erection of a car port
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for 2no non illuminated replacement fascia signs and 1no non illuminated replacement projecting sign (retrospective)
Change of use to Class B1 (office) from A1 (retail) and installation of 2No new windows and adapt/replace 1No existing window and door to the rear of the property
Conversion of two apartments into one dwelling, erection of extensions and removal of existing extension affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Conversion of two apartments into one dwelling, erection of extensions and removal of existing extension
Change of use from (Class A1 retail) to Wine Bar (Class A4), including minor internal alterations to form toilets affecting a Grade II* Listed Building
Change of use from (Class A1 retail) to Wine Bar (Class A4), including minor internal alterations to form toilets