Amendments to approved application 16/03938/LBC (changes to the location of shower room on second floor and minor changes to first floor layouts)
Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 15/03349/FUL
Change of Use from Residential Care Home (Class C2) to Supported Living Accommodation for Adults with Learning Disabilities (Class C3(b))
Change of use of land to form domestic curtilage land and formal public open space including the construction of a footpath.
Approval of reserved matters (siting, design, appearance, landscaping) pursuant to 15/00490/OUT for mixed residential development of 22 units including conversion of Walker House; highway works; formation of estate roads; landscaping works including felling of trees; formation of wetland area; discharge of condition 10(Construction Method Statement) attached to 15/00490/OUT
Approval of reserved matters (siting, design, appearance, landscaping) pursuant to 15/00491/OUT for mixed residential development of 108 residential units including affordable housing and conversion of college building into 16 apartments; highway works; formation of estate roads; landscaping works including felling of trees; formation of play areas; discharge of conditions 10(European Protected Species), 11(Construction Method Statement)…
Crown Lift (secondary branches only) of 5 no. Sycamore trees by 1-2 metres, reduce side branches over gardens by 1-2 metres, crown thin by 15% within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Application for Certificate of Lawful Development for the erection of a single storey rear extension
Notification of proposed tree works to include the pruning of branches by less than 30% of one Holly tree and one Plum tree lying within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Proposed Change of Use of existing first floor (A1 Use class) to 2 self contained flats (Dwellinghouse C3 Use Class) with associated new windows and skylights