To fell 1No Horseshestnut Tree (No. 65) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Replacement of existing 21m floodlight with 25m telecoms mast, including floodlights reattached at 20m to support 6no. telecommunications antennae for shared use by EE and Three UK, which together with the installation of 1no. dish and 5no. ground based equipment cabinets will provide 2G, 3G and 4G mobile electronic communication services from the installation
Works to facilitate loft conversion to existing dwelling to create second floor bedroom and en-suite to include dormer windows to front and rear elevations
Construction of a pitch roof to the existing porch and garage space, replacement window in front of garage and replace side window with new door
Erection of extension to existing Nursing Home to provide 24 Bedrooms (net 20) and 6 additional bedrooms within the ground floor south west wing of the existing building and relocation of the kitchen, laundry and ancillary accommodation to the lower ground floor of the proposed new extension; alterations to car parking to provide 38 parking…
Works to facilitate the insertion of external door and internal alterations
Works to 1No Apple Tree, 1No Crab Apple Tree, 1No Weeping Birch Tree and 1No Magnolia Tree (as per schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To crown lift 1No Lawson Cypress Tree 1No Twin Stemmed Leylandii Tree and 1No Yew Tree by 1-2m; transplant 1No Acer Griseum and section fell 1No Semi Mature Cedrus Deodara Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To fell 2 No Conifer trees and 1 No Leylandii tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Change of use of offices into a single residential unit with no internal or external alterations.