To fell 1No. Red Oak tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Works to trees (see attached schedule) within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Internal alterations associated with the refurbishment of the retail unit at ground floor and basement level affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Provision of a DDA compliant access ramp between Castle Gates and the head of The Dana steps; all other works
Renovations to include re-wiring, repairs to front windows: renewal of rear windows and internal alterations to attic layout affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Internal works to facilitate the conversion to two residential properties; elevational alterations to install windows/doors; creation of additional vehicular access and alterations to existing vehicular access; to include removal of one tree
Erection of twin single garages with associated parking following demolition of existing garages and sheds
Installation of air conditioning unit at internally and externally at first floor fitted by brackets, a header removed from the external wall for the pipework all pipework will be covered and the covers/outdoor unit can be repainted to black affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Installation of air conditioning unit on external wall at first floor
To fell 1no Goat Willow Tree within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Works to Listed Building to facilitate the erection of conservatory to side elevation (modification to previously approved)