Works to Willow Trees as per schedule within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Internal works to a grade II listed builing to create a structural opening within the dividing wall between two ground floor rooms.
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed erection of a single storey side extension
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for Change in roof structure from full hipped roof to formation of gable end with small hipped roof top; Room in the roof works including installation of 4no rooflights
Installation of 2 Temporary Refrigerated (40ft) Containers (between 1st November and 31st January annually)
External alterations to east elevation, relocation of existing plant and toilet extract grille on east elevation and addition of new platform
Crown reduce 2no Birch by 1-2m and thin by approximately 15%; Crown thin 1n Beech by approximately 15% and prune away from street light by 1m protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Longden Grove, Longden Close 2004) Tree Preservation Order 2004
To fell 1 No Cherry tree and 1 No Rowan tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Variation of Section 106 for planning applications 13/02241/OUT and 16/01763/REM to remove the requirment to contibute towards affordable housing.