Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension following removal of existing
Temporary change of use of part of retail unit from retail (class A1) to pet care and treatment facility and installation of 15No. external air conditioning units and gas bottle storage unit
To fell one Leylandii tree within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Erection of rear part two-storey and part single storey extension following demolition of existing rear extension; conversion of existing attic room to form new bedroom and ensuite bathroom; erection of 1.8m high gates; refurbishment of existing dwelling
Erection of a single storey rear extension and detached garage following demolition of existing garage
Erection of 35 no. retirement living apartments including communal facilities, landscaping and car parking; formation of vehiuclar access following demolition of existing property
Fell 1No Cypress Tree and dead hedge within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Works to trees as per schedule protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973
To crown reduce by 25% and 10% thin 3No Birch Trees protected by Shropshire Council (Land at Llewellyn Place, Nettle Lane, Shrewsbury) TPO 2012
Fitting out of existing vacant information office, adjacent to the station main entrance concourse, as a Costa coffee outlet affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of single storey and two storey extensions and reconfiguration of existing building to create a total of 29 bedrooms with en-suites; to include some demolition
Installation of a concrete plinth to support new generator, complete with associated electrical and enabling works