Variation of condition no.2 (approved drawings) attached to planning permission ref 14/02721/FUL to alter the external facing materials of Plots 1 and 5 from buff brick to brick and render due to a shortage of materials, flat roof with roof lantern alteration to rear extension of Plot 5, dormer windows relocated from the rear of…
Change of Use to mixed use including tattoo shop and retail.
To fell 8No Field Maple trees within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Change of use from a coffee/sandwich shop (A1) to restaurant (A3)
Various works to trees (see attached) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of front and rear extensions and removal of chimney
Change of use from C3 to an Sui generis shop ( beauty and massage therapy )
To fell 1 No. Eucalyptus tree, crown lift 1 No. Damson, 1 No. Holly, 1 No. Pear and 1 No. Alder to 5 metres and reduce overhang from trees within hedge by 2 metres, and reduce height of 1 No. Conifer hedge by 1 metre within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Internal alterations and conversion of cellar into habitable use including replacement windows at basement level, one to be lowered to form door access, repairs to masonry and formation of external steps on front elevation and associated works affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Internal alterations and conversion of cellar into habitable use including replacement windows at basement level, one to be lowered to form door access, repairs to masonry and formation of external steps on front elevation and associated works affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Formation of external steps in association with listed building application for the conversion of cellar area to habitable use