To remove (and replace) 1no. Cherry within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To fell 1no. Lawson Cypress (T1) and 3no. Leylandii (T2-4) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Single-storey, flat roof extension to rear of property following partial demolition of existing outbuildings, and single-storey, flat roof porch to front elevation following demolition of existing canopy.
To crown reduce by 25 percent (2 meters all round) 1no. Horse Chestnut (T1) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Belvidere Paddocks) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (SA/411)
To crown thin by 10 percent and to reduce the two lower limbs growing over the outbuilding and fence by 3-4 meters from 1no. Horse Chestnut (T1) protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Belvidere Paddocks) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref. SA/411)
To remove (and replace) 1no. Ash tree protected by the SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath South) TPO 2007 (Ref. SA/456)
To remove 2no. conifers within Meole Brace Conservation Area
Demolition of the Riverside Shopping Centre and related activity, enabling works including boundary wall and the formation of a new public park following demolition, to include pocket gardens, event space and amphitheatre, accessible ramp, lift and staircase, flood attenuation and temporary meanwhile uses across the Site.
Installation of new windows, doors, cladding and porch canopy
Change of use to rooms within library to office accommodation