Conversion of part of the garage to create a ground floor reception room including installation of french doors.
To crown reduce 1no Silver Birch tree by 8ft within the Shrewsbury Conservation area.
Works to facilitate the relocation of kitchen to basement including excavation of garden; internal alterations; installation of replacement windows; roof works including insertion of rooflight.
Excavation of garden to relocate kitchen to basement; internal alterations; insertion of replacement windows; roofworks to outbuilding and main house including insertion of roof light.
2 no. amended totem signs; 3 no. amended pedestrian totem signs; 1 no. new fascia sign; and 5 no. new wall mounted buildings signs.
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed erection of an extension.
To cut back 1No limb at 10m and remove several overhanging secondary thinner branches in some area of crown of 1No Willow Tree; crown reduce 1No Apple Tree by 30% and crown reduce 1No Apple Tree by 25% within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of two storey side extension, 2m high fence to replace brick wall.
Erect and display 1No non-illuminated hanging sign; 1No illuminated fascia sign and vinyl lettering to windows.