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Planning Applications


Variation of condition no2 (Amendments to the approved plans with the addition of a single storey Orangery to the rear of the building) attached to 14/03165/FUL Erection of 90 bed (C2 Residential Institution) Care Home together with associated access, parking, garden areas and boundary walls/fences

Read more about 16/02323/VAR


Erection of extensions, repairs and alterations to include first floor balcony to rear elevation, ground floor extension to front elevation to existing dwelling and conversion of barn to form ancillary residential accommodation to the main dwelling

Read more about 16/02245/FUL


Notification of proposed tree works to include crown lift and crown thin one Pine Tree and crown reduce one Thorn by 30% all lying within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 16/02381/TCA


Trim back branches up to 2m length of one Copper Beech within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 16/02153/TCA


Reduce 1No Willow Tree by approximately 30% and shape; 1No Wild Cherry by 20% and shape and 1No Tibetan Cherry by 20% and shape within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 16/02425/TCA


To fell 1 x Sycamore Tree and reduce and remove lowest branch of 1 x Sycamore protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Bank Farm, Radbrook) Tree Preservation Order 1983

Read more about 16/02278/TPO


Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed erection of a single storey rear extension

Read more about 16/02262/CPL


Erection of single storey supported living accommodation for three adults

Read more about 16/02049/FUL


Erection of one dwelling to include associated parking and amenity space; installation of french doors to the rear of No 6 to allow rear access and new driveway to the front of No 6 to allow parking for two cars

Read more about 16/02031/FUL


Erection of a replacement porch and resurfacing of driveway

Read more about 16/02229/FUL


Installation of replacement front door (Article 4)

Read more about 16/01912/FUL


Erection of single storey and two storey extensions to side and rear of property and associated alterations and improvements

Read more about 16/02214/FUL