Repair and restoration of the Main Mill and Kiln; installation of structural strengthening solution; re-opening of windows to all floors; formation of visitor interpretation centre, learning space and cafe; restoration of upper floors for commercial use; landscaping and formation of car parking area (98 spaces) with improved accessibility across the site
Erect and display one non illuminated sign; 3 x internally illuminated logos; 3 x non illuminated wall mounted panels and one internally illuminated totem
Notification of works to trees (see attached schedule) protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Shelton Hospital No 3) Tree Preservation Order 2003 (varied 2004
Erection of 1.8m high hazel screening within the side garden boundary
Erection of a double garage, formation of turning area and new vehicular and pedestrian access
To fell 4 No. Leylandii, crown reduce 1 No. Goat Willow by approximately 6ft and fell 3 No. Field Maples within Shrewsbury Conservation Area (Sutton Road extension)
Change of use from an industrial unit to a fitness club/gymnasium D2 Leisure
To crown thin by 15-20% and reduce side branches by 15-20% within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of a dwelling with double garage and formation of associated access
Erection of one dwelling following demolition of all buildings on site
Remove all deadwood and crown reduce by 15% 5No Oak Trees protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Sundorne Meadows No 1) Tree Preservation Order 1983