To reduce crown by 15 percent, to raise crown to 2 meters and to remove dead wood from 1no. Oak protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Sundorne Meadows No 1) Tree Preservation Order 1983 (Ref. SA/109)
Single storey rear extension and associated alterations following some demolition works.
Erection of rear extension within footprint of existing extension and reconfigure house internally
To reduce 3no. Holly stems by approx. 2meters to previous reduction points and reduce side over garden and ends by approximately 1meter and to cut back Laurels, Hazels and Holly from adjoining properties to approximate boundary line within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Reduce back branch to below split of 1no Horse Chestnut protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Belvidere Paddocks) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (SA/411)
Extend and modify the roof to garage and utility area and front utility entrance
Works to infill the overhang forward of the current garage door and conversion of existing single storey garage into a habitable room
Replacement of a door and a window to existing house subject to Article 4 Direction
Replacement of 3 wooden sash windows (2 to the front of the property) with double-glazed wooden sash windows in the same design, painted white. Existing window frames will remain.
Reduce in height by 2m and prune back overhanging branches by 1m of 1no Lawson Cypress within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Crown reduce by 2m 3no Alder & crown lift by 0.5m and lightly prune crown of 1no Golden Rain Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area