Demolition of workshop/store building; erection of garage building to serve Nobold Hall and workshop/store to serve approved dwelling on Plot 2.
Erection of garage building to serve Nobold Hall and workshop/store to serve approved dwelling on Plot 2.
Outline application (all matters reserved) for mixed residential development to include affordable houses; formation of estate roads and vehicular access from Lesley Owen Way.
EIA Screening Opinion in connection with demolition of existing building (Building 1) and construction of residential development comprising up to 150 dwellings, access road, public open space and associated highways, engineering and accommodation works.
Erection of a single storey rear conservatory to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 4.0 metres beyond rear wall, 3.35 metres maximum height, 2.2 metres high to eaves.
To fell 1 no. Walnut, 1 no. Sycamore and 1 no. Prunus and reduce lateral branches from 1 no. Mature Oak by 2 metres within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of 8no. semi detached dwellings following demolition of existing nursery.
Erection of rear single storey extension: re-roof existing outhouse.