Crown lift 1no Oak Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Re-route kitchen extractor fan, minor internal alterations, reinstatement of window to front elevation affecting a grade II listed building.
Erection of single storey front extension; removal of roof to add a first floor over the existing footprint; replace existing garage with a carport and alterations to vehicular and pedestrian access.
Variation of Condition No. 5 attached to Planning Permission 10/01178/COU dated 03 June 2010 Application under s.73 for the change of use of pavement area for external seating and erection of 2no. awnings and 4no. heaters to front elevation (amended) (hours of opening).
Variation of Condition No. 4 attached to Planning Permission 09/00505/COU dated 08 July 2009 for change of use from A1/A2 to A3/A4 wine bar and cafe (hours of opening).
Crown reduce and thin 1 Lime tree by 25% within the Shrewsbury conservation area.
Ground floor extension to the rear of the salon/property with conversion of the inside storage space to provide further salon facilities.
Erection of single storey extension to side/rear elevation; elevational alterations.
To top 4no Conifers by 50% within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Works to Listed Building to facilitate the installation of one non-illuminated fascia sign.