Notification of works to trees to include the felling of one horse-chestnut tree; general thinning and husbandry of three Sycamore trees; shaping and husbandry of one hazel tree; all trees lying within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Change of use from electrical trade counter to food preparation.
To fell 2 no. Horse Chestnut trees and one Beech tree protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Prestfelde School) Tree Preservation Order 1969.
Erection of single storey ground floor extension to provide accessible bedroom with en-suite showering for a disabled user.
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for erection of single storey extension to rear.
Erection of part two-storey and part single storey extension.
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a car port.
Works to facilitate the fixing of window boxes to first and second-floor window sills on the Princess Street frontages to Apartments 2, 3 and 5 affecting a Grade II Listed Building.
To crown lift 1 Ash tree by 2 metres, removing secondary branches of a diameter of no greater than 10cm within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.