To erect and display 1No non illuminated fascia sign, 1No non illuminated replacement fascia sign and 1No non illuminated replacement and relocated notice board
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the removal of existing plant and services on upper and lower level 8 with retention of existing gas line for possible re-use. Installation of new air handling units, generator, upstands, gas pipe connection point and associated mesh plant decks and infrastructure for support and maintenance on upper and lower…
Erect and Display 2no non illuminated fasica signs affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Trim Silver Birch by 1m; Prune overhanging branches of 2 Leylandii and reduce crown of Hazel by 2m within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Raise lower crown to approx 6 feet from ground level, prune back branches outside uniformity of the canopy of Betula Pendula Youngli protected by SABC (Belvidere Paddocks) TPO 2005 (amended description)
Erection of single storey extension affecting a Grade II listed building.
To fell 2 Ash stems, crown reduce in height by up to 3m and crown lift from road side height up to 6m one Multi stem Sycamore tree and crown reduce in height by up to 3m and crown lift from road side height up to 6m one Codomenant stem Sycamore within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Works to trees (as per schedule) protected by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Carline Fields) Tree Preservation Order 2002
Works to 2 Beech Trees protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968