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Planning Applications


Application for Lawful Development Certificate for erection of conservatory on rear elevation.

Read more about 15/03002/CPL


Erection of boundary fence.

Read more about 15/03467/FUL


Application for Lawful Development Certificate in respect of existing use as offices with car parking to include meetings with the public with or without prior arrangement.

Read more about 15/03296/CPE


Works to facilitate the change of use to form five letting bedrooms on the third and fourth floor affecting a Grade II Listed Building.

Read more about 15/02937/LBC


Conversion of storage area to form 5No letting bedrooms on third and fourth floor.

Read more about 15/02936/FUL


To fell 1 no. Walnut tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 15/03797/TCA


Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing.

Read more about 15/03211/FUL


Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey extension.

Read more about 15/03210/CPL


To fell or reduce in size 2 Douglas Fir trees protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968.

Read more about 15/03623/TPO


Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for erection of a single storey rear extension.

Read more about 15/03351/CPL


Change of use of first floor only from D1 non residential educational use to D2 health and fitness centre.

Read more about 15/03436/COU


Single storey extension and alterations.

Read more about 15/03464/FUL