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Planning Applications


Erection of two single storey pitched roof teaching blocks.

Read more about 15/03185/FUL


Erection of two storey extension to side elevation and first floor extension to rear elevation; formation of first floor roof terrace; conversion of loft space to residential to include insertion of dormer windows; erection of porch to front elevation; demolition of conservatory; elevational alterations.

Read more about 15/03157/FUL


Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the erection of a proposed replacement sunroom to rear elevation.

Read more about 15/03038/CPL


Erection of an awning to provide cover to customers using outside furniture affecting a Grade II Listed Building.

Read more about 15/02066/LBC


Erection of an awning to provide cover to customers using outside furniture.

Read more about 15/02065/FUL


To fell 5 Silver Birch Trees, crown reduce 2 Silver Birch trees by 3m and cut back from building by 2m one Scots Pine tree protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Featherbed Lane, Harlescott 1982) Variation of Tree Preservation Order 2003.

Read more about 15/03282/TPO


Crown reduce Sycamore trees by 15-20% within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 15/03246/TCA


To remove 1 Norway Spruce within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 15/03242/TCA


To fell one Silver Birch tree, two Cherry Trees and one Mountain Ash tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 15/03213/TCA


Alterations to existing first floor flat and intensification of use to create in total 6No studio apartments; revised fenestration to replace modern, poor quality windows and door to the rear affecting a Grade II Listed Building.

Read more about 15/02537/LBC


Alterations to existing first floor flat and intensification of use to create in total 6No studio apartments; revised fenestration to replace modern, poor quality windows and door to the rear.

Read more about 15/02536/FUL


Variation of Condition No. 1 attached to Planning Permission CC2005/0009 dated 20 June 2005 to retain the demountable unit for a further temporary period of ten years.

Read more about 15/02761/VAR