Internal alterations and improvements to No.11 and No.12 Belmont including the demolition of existing rear basement extension and erection of replacement extension to accommodate a cafe, retail space and heritage centre to support the Cathedral; Alterations and improved access facilities to Shrewsbury Cathedral South Entrance; landscaping works to the rear garden areas of No.11 and…
Internal alterations and improvements to No.11 and No.12 Belmont including the demolition of existing rear basement extension and erection of replacement extension to accommodate a cafe, retail space and heritage centre to support the Cathedral; Alterations and improved access facilities to Shrewsbury Cathedral South Entrance; landscaping works to the rear garden areas of No.11 and…
To fell 1no Norway Maple tree within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To crown reduce 1 Beech tree by approx 20% protected by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (29 Grangefields Road) Tree Preservation Order 1988
To crown reduce 1 Liquidambar Tree to approx 6.5 metre tall and 2.5 metres wide within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To reduce 1 Silver Birch tree to a maximum of 25% and crown thin to a maximum of 20% within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Change of use of ground to third floors and rear outbuilding from (Class B1) offices to (Class C3) residential: erection of roof extension at third floor and associated internal and external alterations; to include demolition of existing steel roof structure and supporting wall and associated carparking and landscaping affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Change of use of ground to third floors and rear outbuilding from (Class B1) offices to (Class C3) residential: erection of roof extension at third floor and associated internal and external alterations; to include demolition of existing steel roof structure and supporting wall and associated carparking and landscaping
To remove one branch and reduce by approx 50% 1no. Magnolia tree within the Belle Vue conservation area