To fell 1No Poplar Tree (T1); slight crown lift of 5No Lime Trees (G1) for machinery access; slight crown lift various trees (G2) and reduction in branches to allow machinery access and crown lift overhighway to approx 5m; to cut back branches overplay area of various trees (G3) and corwn lift various trees (G4) and…
To fell 1no. Mountain Ash tree protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Belvidere Paddocks) Tree Preservation Order 2005
To crown lift 2 Oak trees to approximately 4m protected by SABC (Bank Farm Road, College Fields No 1) Tree Preservation Order 1983
Alterations and extension to existing garage, together with creation of an attic games room/gym
Erection of first floor extension to existing garage to provide ancilliary accomodation
Application for lawful development certificate for the proposed erection of an extension to the rear elevation.
To fell 1no. Oak tree protected by SABC (Beechwood Drive) TPO 1971
To crown thin 1 Rowan tree by 25%, crown reduce 1 Crab Apple tree to 16ft and crown deduct 1 Snake Barked Maple tree to 12ft within the Belle Vue conservation area
Erection of a winery, visitor centre (to include a restaurant and event hall) and maintenance building; formation of court yard, service yard, visitors car parking; landscaping to include boundary fencing and entrance gates; associated facilities
Application for prior approval under Part 14, class J of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the installation of 320 roof mounted solar panels (approx. 81.6kwp)