Alterations to bi-fold door due to archaeological issues, removal of a proposed new window due to structural implications of existing 1980s extension and removal of a 1980s internal wall affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Single storey extension at rear and associated alterations.
To fell and replace 1no. Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Fell 1no Ash protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Sutton House Farm) Tree Preservation Order 1950 (Ref: SA/16)
New brickwork and masonry wing walls to main entrance gates on Aston Road, with repaving of pebble hardstanding and tarmac pavement affecting a Grade II Listed Building
New brickwork and masonry wing walls to main entrance gates on Aston Road, with repaving of pebble hardstanding and tarmac pavement.
Erection of part two storey rear and first floor front extensions and internal remodelling
Erection of part two storey and part single storey rear extension and alterations
Provision of an extension to the existing kitchen by replacing the existing temporary mono-pitched roof covering over the external courtyard with a self-supporting flat-roof structure affecting a Grade II* Listed Building Internal alterations.