To remove 1 dead Whitebeam tree to ground level and crown reduce 1 Pear tree by 25% protected by SABC (Riverside Mall, Pride Hill Shopping Centre) TPO 1994.
To fell 1No Sycamore tree and replace with 1No Silver Birch tree within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of a one and half storey extension to detached rear outbuilding for conversion to a granny annexe; erection of a detached single garage and partial demolition and rebuild of rear boundary wall.
To fell 1 Deodar Cedar tree within the Shrewsbury Conservation area.
To crown lift 3 Lime trees to the original pollarded height and clear growth from roof of tool shed, and reduce height of sucker growth below trees to hedge height within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
To carry out various works (see attached schedule) to1 Oak tree protected by SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath South) TPO 2007.
Demolition of existing timber fence to allow formalisation of frontage for off-street parking to include re-surfacing, erection of brick pillar and new eastern boundary (railings).
Installation of 2no conservation roof windows to rear elevation.
Erection of a single-storey rear extension, re-roofing of existing extension and insertion of roof lights.
Certificate of lawful development for the erection of single storey extension to rear and installation of dormer window.
To carry out works to trees within Shrewsbury conservation area (see scheduled plan).