To prune back branches to boundary fence (approx 2m) of 4No Sycamore Trees and reduce the height by 30% to reshape and allow light into 6 Hunter Street protected by Shrewsbury Atcham Borough Council (Land at Prices Yard, Alma Street, Shrewsbury) TPO 1994.
Erection of extension to provide external store following conversion of existing store to Deputy Headmaster’s office.
To remove various trees and hedges (see schedule and plan) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
To crown reduce by 10-15% of the trees height and draw back the branches by approx 1m-1.5m from the building 1No Cherry Tree (T1) and draw back branches by 1m-1.5m from building 1No further Cherry Tree (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of part one storey and two storey extensions to the rear elevation. Extension to existing driveway and formation of additional access onto highway.
Erection of 25 no. dwellings and associated public open space; formation of vehicular access.
Proposed conversion of the existing roof space into a habitable room with the insertion of a new dormer window to the rear and a new rooflight to the front roof scope.
Construction of a single storey rear bedroom extension for a disabled user.