Erect and display 4 no. replacement non-illuminated fascia signs.
Erection of single storey side and rear extensions and extension to front of double garage.
Works to replace 6No single glazed windows with like for like double glazed timber casement windows in a painted white finish to match existing affecting a Grade II Listed Building.
Works to facilitate the installation of shower room and toilet to second floor affecting a Grade II Listed Building.
To crown lift 2 Corsican Pine trees (see attached letter) and fell 1 Corsican Pine tree with Shrewsbury Conservation area.
Variation of Condition No. 2 (approved plans) attached to Planning Permission 14/04661/FUL dated 18/12/2014 for the erection of single storey modular building for Air Training Corps (ATC) for car park to be added to front of building.
To fell 2 no. Sycamore trees within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Removal of existing 17.5m mast with 6 antennas and 2 microwave dishes and replacement with a 20m mast with 6 antennas and 2 dishes and development ancillary thereto.
Erection of extension to form bedroom over garage two storey side extension and garden room.
To fell 1No Laburnum Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Variation of Condition No. 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 14/01602/FUL to provide accommodation more suited for disabled occupation and room for specialist equipment.