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Planning Applications


Change of use of ground floor from A1 to A3 Coffee Shop, minor internal alterations.

Read more about 15/01273/FUL


Erection of Building for B1, B2 and B8 uses including Associated Parking.

Read more about 15/01223/FUL


To fell 1 x no Red Oak tree within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 15/01359/TCA


Erection of a single storey rear extension to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 6 metres beyond rear wall, 3.5 metres maximum height, 2.5 metres high to eaves.

Read more about 15/01355/HHE


Variation of Condition No. 6 attached to planning permission 02/1473/F dated 19.05.03 to allow for change of use for present occupier from B8 to B1 and B2.

Read more about 15/01116/VAR


Fell 2 Silver Birch and 6 Cypress trees, coppice 1 Holly at ground level and remove low limbs on 1 Ash and 1 Sycamore to achieve height clearance over drive and garage protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Hermitage Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1967.

Read more about 15/01221/TPO


To fell 1No Blue Atlas Cedar protected by SABC (Land at and surrounding Bowbrook) TPO 2008.

Read more about 15/01197/TPO


To crown reduce 1 Pine tree by approx 1 metre, reduce large branch and remove deadwood of 1 London Plane tree by approx 2 metres and crown lift 3 Holly trees by 1 – 2 metres within Belle Vue Conservation Area.

Read more about 15/01310/TCA


Outline application for a detached residential dwelling with construction of a new vehicular access (All matters reserved).

Read more about 15/00828/OUT


Erection of a single storey rear extension to provide ancillary accommodation.

Read more about 15/01188/FUL


To fell 1No Red Oak Tree protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Mayfield Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1969.

Read more about 15/00942/TPO


To reduce back overhanging branches to 1No Sycamore and 1No. Wild Cherry trees protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Hermitage Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1967.

Read more about 15/01168/TPO