Erection of a detached self-contained dwelling for ancillary use following demolition of existing garage.
Installation of an underground water turbine alongside the Shrewsbury Weir to generate hydroelectricity from the River Severn and to demolish the existing fish pass and replace it with a new fish pass, fish bywash and debris channel; removal of 7No trees.
To fell 1No Apple Tree and crown lift 1No Cedar Tree to around 5m and shorten long lateral limbs to growing point within Belle Vue Conservation area.
Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed loft conversion to include forming new gable with Suffolk hip, new rooflights to the front elevation, and dormer window to the rear elevation, as indicated on attached plans.
To fell 1no. Spruce tree protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968.
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed change of use of existing garage to utility room/garden room.
Change of use from B1 Office to D2 Leisure for a personal training studio.
Variation of Condition No.24 (goods for sale) attached to planning permission 12/01946/FUL dated 21.02.13 to include gardening footwear in List 1 and outdoor footwear, outdoor leisure clothing, outdoor leisure footwear, clothing accessories and household textiles in List 2.
Erect and display 1No non-illuminated replacement noticeboard.
Change of use of ground floor from retail (Use Class A1) to hot food takeaway (Use Class A5), with minor external alterations on side and rear elevations and retention of first floor residential dwelling.