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Planning Applications


Proposed single storey rear extension and loft conversion to include rooflights

Read more about 15/00047/FUL


Variation of Condition No.4 attached to planning permission 14/01014/FUL to allow removal of fencing to carry out works to ravine

Read more about 14/05622/VAR


Works to trees protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Longden Grove, Longden Close 2004) Tree Preservation Order 2004

Read more about 15/00382/TPO


Works to a number of trees as per Appendix A within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 15/00223/TCA


Works to 2No Prunus Avium, 1No Sorbus Aucuparia, 1No Sorbus Aria, 1No Alnus.sp and 2No Prunus ceracifera Pissardii trees as per Appendix A within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 15/00222/TCA


Works to trees protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Longden Grove, Longden Close 2004) Tree Preservation Order 2004

Read more about 15/00219/TPO


Erection of single storey extension to rear elevation and first floor extension over existing garage

Read more about 15/00136/FUL


Application for tree works to include the felling of 3 no. Silver Birch trees covered by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002

Read more about 15/00135/TPO


Application for tree works to include removal of one Lime tree covered by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Shelton Hospital No 3) Tree Preservation Order 2003

Read more about 15/00134/TPO


Works to Listed Building to include alteration to internal floor layout; replacement of internal doors and joinery; replacement of windows to the rear elevation and rooflight over main staircase; replacement of external condenser units

Read more about 15/00086/LBC


Prior Approval for the change of use from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor offices to 15 apartments (Part 3 Class J of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2013)

Read more about 14/05613/P3JPA


To crown reduce 5No Blackthorn by 2m, crown thin 1No Rowan by 25% and remove 4No Ash trees lying within the Belle Vue Conservation Area

Read more about 15/00318/TCA