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Planning Applications


Erection of a first floor extension above the existing single storey garage and utility to the side elevation

Read more about 14/05373/FUL


Erection of replacement porch to the side of the property and enlarge driveway to allow adittional off road parking

Read more about 14/05370/FUL


Single storey extension at rear and associated alterations

Read more about 14/05352/FUL


Residential development of 153 properties, including detached and semi detached 2/3 bedroom housing and 1/2 bedroom appartments.

Read more about 14/05343/FUL


Variation of condition no. 3 attached to planning permission ref 13/03302/COU to extend the opening hours on Monday – Saturday to 07.00 – 23.00 hours

Read more about 14/03679/VAR


Temporary use of land for a car park

Read more about 14/03680/FUL


Application for consent to display one externally illuminated vinyl printed screen print (5m x 8m); three spotlights at roof level

Read more about 14/03676/ADV


Single storey extensions to side and rear and alterations and improvements following demolition of single storey parts

Read more about 14/03669/FUL