Erection of single storey mortuary extension with associated plant and minor external works
Change of use from B8 distribution to D2 leisure gym with ancillary uses
Erection of single storey and two storey side extensions and single storey rear extension following demolition of existing garage, and rear extension
Erection of 2No dwellings with associated garaging and formation of vehicular access
To decorate shop facade, rear store side windows and door including replacement signage
Erection of single storey extensions to front and rear and alterations to provide pitched roof over single storey part of dwelling
Outline application for residential development including partial demolition of buildings to include means of access
Outline application for up to 45 residential dwellings with demolition of existing buildings (to include access)
Change of use of upper floors – second to fourth from Offices (B1) to single residence (C3) to number 8 High Street and the repair and alteration of number 7 High Street, this will remain as wholly retail as existing (A1) affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Change of use of upper floors – second to fourth from Offices (B1) to single residence (C3) to number 8 High Street and the repair and alteration of number 7 High Street, this will remain as wholly retail as existing (A1)
Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing lean to and installation of dormer to rear roofslope