To crown reduce 1No.Silver Birch by 3m and fell to ground level 1No. Indian Bean within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Reduce by upto 3m two Lime trees, reduce by 4m one Lime tree in Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Application under Section 73a of the Town & Country Planning Act 1995 for the erection of storage shed to front of property
Erection of a single storey rear extension to detached dwelling, dimensions 6 metres beyond rear wall, 3.9 metres maximum height, 2.8 metres high to eaves.
Erection of a single storey rear extension and replace flat roof to garage and utility room with a pitched roof
Variation of Condition No. 2 attached to planning permission 09/00874/FUL to allow the continued siting of temporary building for a further period of 2 years
To fell 24 no. overgrown (some dead) Leylandi Conifers within Meole Brace Conservation Area
Works to trim and reduce 1 no. Oak tree protected by Shropshire Council (Land rear of Coseley Avenue, Shrewsbury) TPO 2012
Erection of a single storey rear extension to detached dwelling, dimensions 6.1 metres beyond rear wall. 4.0 metres maximum height, 2.7 metres high to eaves