To remove lower branch and reduce end of leaning stem of 2 no. Ash trees lying within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Conversion of existing garage to study, games room and store
Installation of two free standing (1.65m.height) non-illuminated information signs (V confirguration)
Erection of a single storey rear conservatory to semi-detached dwelling, dimensions 3.5 metres beyond rear wall, 3.16 metres maximum height, 2.1 metres high to eaves
Installation of replacement non-illuminated fascia sign and motifs; re-use of existing bracket to display one non-illuminated hanging sign; all to front elevation; installation of floor mounted porch sign mosaic
Internal works including partial removal of internal walls to create opening between living room and kitchen and to create opening to rear lobby; Installation of timber stud walls to create separate kitchen and second bedroom; Relocation of existing bathroom affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of single storey 2 bay demountable extension to existing classroom
Erection of glass roof extension including bi-folding glass doors; internal works to include remodelling works to the existing kitchen including removal of most of the external wall and small section of the dinning room wall to accommodate new extension, replacement kitchen and new ground floor WC to be installed; new window to the existing bathroom…