Creation of new front entrance door to serve ground floor apartment and installation of lead canopys over both entrance doors (amendment to Listed Building Consent 12/00483/LBC)
Proposed residential development of 4 houses and 3 apartments; including formation of new vehicular access and associated car parking.
Erect and display 1No non illuminated fascia sign; internally illuminated signage panel; 1No internally illuminated totem; 1No non illuminated entrance statement and 1No internally illuminated single letters to replace existing
Change of use from B1 business to D2 leisure; erection of 18m length fencing at a height of 1.8m
Erection of a first floor extension above the existing single storey garage and utility to the side elevation
Erection of replacement porch to the side of the property and enlarge driveway to allow adittional off road parking
Residential development of 153 properties, including detached and semi detached 2/3 bedroom housing and 1/2 bedroom appartments.
Variation of condition no. 3 attached to planning permission ref 13/03302/COU to extend the opening hours on Monday – Saturday to 07.00 – 23.00 hours
Application for consent to display one externally illuminated vinyl printed screen print (5m x 8m); three spotlights at roof level