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Planning Applications


Alterations to single storey part including new flat roof over with rooflight, Single storey extension and associated alterations to form enlarged living room home office space.

Read more about 23/03482/FUL


Erection of rear/side and front ground floor extension and widen existing crossover kerb to Aysgarth Road

Read more about 23/03469/FUL


Erection of two storey extension to replace existing rear conservatory

Read more about 23/03463/FUL


Alterations to existing conservatory, installation of juliet balcony and double doors at first floor, internal alterations and new patio and terrace

Read more about 23/03416/FUL


To fell to ground level 1no. Ash (T1) and to remove 1no. dead stem from 1no. Lawson Cypress (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 23/03545/TCA


To reduce back to previous pollard points branches over the public open space and to cut back up to approx. 5metres 4no. stems over the river from 1no. Poplar (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 23/03543/TCA


Crown reduce by 1.5m of 1no Magnolia within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 23/03525/TCA


Fell 1no Holly (T1), 1no Hawthorn (T2) and 1no Amelanchier (T4) & cut back to previous pruning points and shape 1no Hawthorn (T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 23/03520/TCA


Crown thin by 10-15%, end weight reduction of 10-15% (or 1-2 metres), crown lift by 1m & crown reduce by 1m of 1no Magnolia within Belle Vue Conservation Area

Read more about 23/03512/TCA


Cut to ground level 1no Sycamore within Belle Vue Conservation Area

Read more about 23/03426/TCA


Works to facilitate revisions to previously approved applications including Extension roof height increased. 2 paned first floor window on the north elevation. Revise approved French doors on the south facing elevation of the extension, to a single glazed 1.5m door. Front terrace /garden walls and parking area paving materials.

Read more about 23/03423/LBC


Application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 16, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for the installation of a 16m monopole comprising 6 no antennas, together with the addition of 2no. cabinets and 1no. meter cabinet together with ancillary development thereto

Read more about 23/03401/TEL