To remove 1no. Leylandii and to prune branches overhanging from 42 Victoria Road back to fence within Meole Brace Conservation Area
To reduce 1no. Cherry (T1) by approx. 1m and thin out by approximately 15% and to section fell 1no. Ash tree (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Variation of Condition No. 4 attached to planning permission 23/00996/FUL dated 10 May 2023
To prune 6-8no. branches by approx. 2-3 feet of 1no. Persian Ironwood within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Selective crown reduction away from building by up to 2.5m of 1no Lime (T1), re-pollard 1no Lime (T2), crown reduction by up to 3m of 1no Chestnut (T4) & remove deadwood and reduce away from buildings 1no Robinia within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Extension to enclose new blending tank, bund and working space, raise roof of existing blending room to replace existing severely damaged roof.
To remove 3no. Ash (T18, T20 and T21) to ground level within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of single storey rear extension, internal alterations, re-roofing and installation of new metal railings to front
Erection of timber framed and clad double garage with electric twin single doors. Re-cycled polymer copy of Welsh slate roof.
Change obscure leaded glass panels to 3No [pair] windows to the frontage facing wyle cop and to 1No window to barracks passage affecting a Grade I Listed Building
Application for the erection of a one-bedroom annexe accommodating an integral two-bay garage to replace the existing two-bay garage on Land at Ashton Road.